Why there is a dog in every corporate office?
The AGM of the share holders charges the B of Ds for the collapse of their stocks. The Board of Directors fires the CEO, CEO his GM, GM his DGM, DM, Brach manager, officer , Scale three, and scale three kicks his office boy. The office boy finally found the answer for the recession, housing market collapse, loss of profits, and downward index. The reason was his dog. So he kicks the dog , thus the expression in English language, the office boy kicks the dog!
The AGM of the share holders charges the B of Ds for the collapse of their stocks. The Board of Directors fires the CEO, CEO his GM, GM his DGM, DM, Brach manager, officer , Scale three, and scale three kicks his office boy. The office boy finally found the answer for the recession, housing market collapse, loss of profits, and downward index. The reason was his dog. So he kicks the dog , thus the expression in English language, the office boy kicks the dog!